Having money in this world means having everything. People who are rich are respected and treated nicely but the people who are poor are not even counted as human beings.
A new social experiment video has been uploaded on official YouTube channel of Funk You and it shows exactly what it means.
In the social experiment video one man acts as a beggar and sleeps at the side of the road and begs for money.
Another guy goes up to him in the bright day and steals money from him in front of people. The main focus of the experiment is to see how the people react and the result is very disappointing.
As the guy steals the money, no one actually seems to care.
They simply look and stare at the man but do not say anything. Some look at him and laugh but no one actually stands up for the poor man. One girl even sees the man stealing the money and steals some herself. A pair even refuse to agree that they had seen the man steal the money.
But there were some people who spoke for the poor man. A group of people and a man scolded the thief and told him to keep the money back where it was.
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